AWS D1.1 Prequalified Welding Procedures

Prequalified WPSs for GMAW, MCAW, SMAW, FCAW & FCAW-S

Prequalified welding procedures must adhere to the strict requiremnts of the welding codes which permit their use.  AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) is one that allows their use.  Prequalified WPSs are exempt from testing becasue there is reasonable assurance that as long as all the requirements are met the deposited weld will be sound and of good quality.  Interpreting the welding code may be daunting task.  Even experienced Certfifed Welding Inspectors (CWIs) tend to miss some details which could put a manufacturer at risk.


At Welding Answers we provide prequalified WPSs that are ready to be used and which have been peer reviewed by both experienced CWIs and welding engineers.  A single prequalified WPS can be as much as $225.  To help customer save money some of the providers of these procedures will try to make them cover a wide range of material thicknesses, welding positions, welding joints and even welding processes!  This is creates many violations within these procedures which could halt a job.

In order to make things easier for our readers and customers we provide packages for entire processes for only $297.  Or the entire library for $697.   To get more information simply visit our store by clicking any of the images below.