How to Qualify a WPS for Welding Stainless to Mild Steel using AWS D1.6

Macroetch locations for welding procedure qualification of fillet welds.

It is very common to weld stainless steel to mild steel.  But, when it comes to qualifying a welding procedure it can be somewhat confusing.  Do you follow AWS D1.1 (Steel) or do you following AWS D1.6 (Stainless Steel)?   Or is there another code or standard you should use? The answer to this question is […]

5 Common Mistakes Made When Estimating the Costs of a Welding Job

When bidding jobs several fabricators end up calculating their costs associated with welding and then double that number to be safe.  In some cases, that isn’t even enough.  It is important to have a clear understating of how to translate the amount of welding to be done to actual manufacturing costs.  One of the biggest […]

Is Weld Strength Affected by Shielding Gas Mix?

Can our selection of shielding gas affect the strength of a weld and other important mechanical properties?  Absolutely!  The difference is more pronounced when using flux-cored (FCAW) wires than when using mig (GMAW) wires, especially as the wire’s tensile strength goes up.   Although we can affect strength by using different gases, what we should be […]