Can You Read Welding Symbols?

Take the Welding Symbols Test to find out

Welding symbols are the universal language of the welding industry. They are used to communicate vital information regarding the details of a weld including:

  • Joint details
  • Weld size and length
  • Weld sequence
  • Contour finish
  • Location
  • Process
  • Required inspection methods
  • Penetration requirements
  • Etc.

Yet this important language is not understood by the vast majority of those in the welding industry. The reality is this lack of understanding is costing manufacturing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. How is this possible? The inability of our welders and supervisors to interpret welding symbols is a major contributor to the overwelding epidemic. The inability of our design engineers to specify and write welding symbols is even worse.

Gauge your knowledge of welding symbols by taking this FREE entry level test

Are you in a position in which you should know how to interpret welding symbols? Are you at least somewhat familiar with this language? Want to test your level of knowledge?

We have created a FREE Welding Symbols Test. If you would like to see where you stand simply CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE TEST.

Maybe you don’t deal with welding symbols directly but others in your organization do. Feel free to pass this on.

If you would like to become proficient in interpreting welding symbols our  Welding Symbols  Training Manual can get you there.


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5 thoughts on “Can You Read Welding Symbols?

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    With Regards

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