Calculating Weight of Weld Metal Required

Estimate pounds of welding electrode necessary to complete a job

Calculating weld metal requirements seems complicated but for the majority of applications it should not be. Short of having a computer program that calculates this for you, the easiest way is to use the tables found in The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding. Table 12-1 provides data to calculate weight of weld metal required per […]

Understanding Why Your Welds Crack – Part 3

Location of Cracks

Cracks can be categorized by their location: weld metal, heat affected zone and unaffected (by heat) base metal.

In our previous two articles we talked about categorizing cracks based on when they occur and in which direction they propagate.  Today on our third and final article on understanding why your welds crack we look at the importance of location. If you want to review or if you missed our previous two articles simply […]