11 Reasons Why Welders Don’t Follow Welding Procedures

The purpose of having welding procedures specifications (WPS) is to ensure quality. This is accomplished by giving the welder a detailed set of instruction on how to deposit weld metal for a specific joint.  Consistent quality can be achieved, but there is one caveat.  The welding procedures must be well written.  A poorly written welding […]

Dangers of Using Prequalified Welding Procedures

Using prequalified welding procedures is a great tool provided by AWS D1.1 which can save time and money.  To learn about these advantages read “Benefits of Using Prequalified Welding Procedures.” However, you must be careful and have a sound understanding of Clause 3 of the Structural Welding Code for Steel – AWS D1.1.  Some of […]

Benefits of Using Prequalified Welding Procedures

Prequalified welding procedures are a great tool available to those who need qualified procedures in conformance with  AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel.  However, there are strict requirements for the use of a prequalified welding procedures.  It is not as easy as picking a qualified joint and using filler metal manufacturer’s recommended procedures. There […]

7 Ways You Are Violating Welding Procedures And Don’t Know It

Good intentions are not enough - Check Everything!

Some welding shops can weld however they want and don’t have to comply to any  standard or code.  On the other hand, some manufacturers have to meet and follow stringent requirements  and follow specific codes such as AWS D1.1, API 1104 or  ASME Section IX.  The development of welding procedures is not an art, at […]

How To Weld 4140 Steel

Let’s keep it simple. 4140 steel can be welded without problems as long as you follow some simple guidelines. This also applies to AISI 4140 and 4340.  We will not be discussing the metallurgical properties of 4140 or trying to explain what happens to its microstructure when it cools too rapidly, just remember that the […]