How Many Inches Of Mig Wire Per Pound

Easily calculate number of inches of wire per package size for any wire diameter

Have you ever wondered, or have you ever been asked how many inches of wire are in one pound of filler metal?  You may have been asked something like: “How many inches of wire are there in a 25LB spool of .035” ER70S-6 mig wire?”  Typically, this questions is asked when someone is trying to […]

Mig Welding With S3 vs S6 Wire

Is ER70S-3 even necessary anymore?

One of the most frequently asked questions is if there is a valid reason to use an ER70S-3 (S3) mig wire versus the more commonly used ER70S-6 (S6) wire.    Both wires belong to AWS Specification A5.18 and can be used interchangeably in most applications because they provide almost identical mechanical properties.  There is subtle difference between the two […]

7 Causes of Spatter and How to Eliminate It

Mig welding is characterized by sparks and spatter flying all over the place. It looks great on movies, but when we are doing the welding we realize spatter is a bad thing. It creates more work by increasing clean up time, it wastes material, and it can burn you if you are not wearing the […]

Advantages and Limitations of GMAW

The GMAW process is a commonly used arc welding process. As all other processes, it has its advantages and limitations. The gas metal arc welding process, most commonly known as MIG, is one of the most used joining processes in the world today. The process had its beginnings over 60 years ago, but it is […]

Benefits of Pulse Welding

We are frequently asked if there are any real benefits of using pulse over CV in the MIG process.  The short answer is “absolutely.” But before we can answer we need to ask: “what is the application?”  To really appreciate the benefits of pulsed GMAW compared to traditional CV (short arc or globular) it is […]

4043 v 5356 Aluminum Filler

Should I use 4043 or 5356 aluminum wire for my application? This is a very commonly asked question.   The application of these two aluminum alloys has such a big overlap that a lot of times it simply comes down to welder preference, cost or availability. When determining which filler alloy to use the most important […]