Tag Archives: austenitic stainless steel
How to Use Prequalified WPSs for Stainless Steel in Accordance with AWS D1.6

AWS D1.6 is the Structural Welding Code for Stainless Steel. Its primary concern is with the structural integrity of weldments and not with resistance to corrosion, creep or sensitization. As a matter of fact, the word “corrosion” appears only eight times in the 9 clauses of AWS D1.6. Requirements for these concerns are the responsibility […]
How to Avoid Sensitization When Welding Austenitic Stainless Steels
Stainless steels are iron based alloys that contain a minimum of 10.5% chromium. This chromium reacts with the air and forms a very thin but very tenacious chromium oxide layer which is what prevents stainless from rusting. There are 5 types of stainless steels which are categorized depending on additional alloying elements. One thing they […]