How to Use Prequalified WPSs for Stainless Steel in Accordance with AWS D1.6

AWS D1.6 is the Structural Welding Code for Stainless Steel.  Its primary concern is with the structural integrity of weldments and not with resistance to corrosion, creep or sensitization.  As a matter of fact, the word “corrosion” appears only eight times in the 9 clauses of AWS D1.6.  Requirements for these concerns are the responsibility […]

What Changes To A WPS Require Requalification

Normally the posts on our blog are inspired by questions frequently asked by customers.  Unfortunately, the question above is not asked that often, but it should be.  A welding procedure specification (WPS) is a set of instructions that if followed to the letter, insure a sound weld.   A WPS will typically provide ranges rather than […]