Why Welds Fail: It’s never just one thing

Weld failures happen all the time.  Some are more serious than others in terms of cost and potential for property damage and bodily harm.  If a weld failure is considered serious it typically gets a lot of attention. Forensics labs and industry experts get called to determine the root cause of the failure.  It may […]

5 Methods to Determine Preheat Temperature

Preheat is used when a base material, due to its chemical composition, thickness or level or restraint, is susceptible to cold cracking (hydrogen induced cracking).  Knowing what temperature to preheat your base metal is sometimes a complicated matter.  You may hear people say “preheat to 300F to be safe.”  The reality is that 300F may […]

Common Mistakes That Lead to Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Even when a qualified welding procedure is in place

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), also called hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) and cold cracking, is a common welding defect when welding heavy steel sections and steels with high carbon content.  If you would like to learn more about the causes of HIC read Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking. In the above mentioned article we explained that […]

Preventing Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Our last post (Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking) went over the factors that contribute to hydrogen-induced cracking.  We will now go over how to prevent HIC from happening.  If you recall, we mentioned you need all three factors to be present in order to have HIC:  These factors are 1. a susceptible microstructure, 2. threshold […]

Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) is a far too common type of failure. It is also called hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) and delayed cracking since it does not occur right after welding, but a few hours or days after the weld has completely cooled down to ambient temperature.  Cracking occurs due to a significant loss in ductility […]

Hot Cracking vs Cold Cracking

We recently helped out a customer in determining why some of their welds were cracking.  It was determined that cracking on their parts was due to rapid cooling and improperly sized welds. The discussions we had before and after determining the cause were quite interesting.  We went over the typical causes for cracking with our […]