Weld Failures: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

When a weld fails in the field, the consequences can be catastrophic. Our experience as welding engineering consultants has shown us that such failures often expose deeper issues within a company’s welding operations. These situations can lead to fears of additional failures in other products or structures, potential harm or fatalities, litigation, and even bankruptcy. […]

3 Effective Ways to Reduce Welding Rework

Rework is extremely costly, especially in welding.  If you consider what happens when a weld is rejected it is essentially triples the amount of work. You weld, you remove the weld, you reweld.  On top of this it may require additional inspection.  So, reducing rework can save considerable amounts of time and money. 

Welding Procedure Development: Selecting Welding Parameters

When writing a welding procedure one of the most critical steps is selecting our welding parameters. This means determining the appropriate amperage and voltage as well as other critical aspects that the welder must adhere to such as travel speed and travel and work (transverse) angles.  What follows is an explanation as to the importance […]

Welding Procedure Development: Selecting the right welding process

Selecting the best welding process is a critical step in developing a welding procedure that attains the desired quality and optimizes productivity.  Many times we look for the welding process that can give us the highest deposition rate to optimize productivity. However, every welding process has limitations. For example, submerged arc welding (SAW) has extremely […]

6 Reasons Why Metal Fabricators Must Understand Metallurgy

Metal fabricators, or at least those in charge of welding operations, must have a sound understanding of metallurgy.  Metallurgy is the study of metals, their properties and their behaviors, especially when undergoing the welding process.  Below are 6 areas of fabrication for which an understanding of the metallurgical properties of metals is vital. Material Selection […]

The Advantage of Using Undermatching Filler Metals on High Strength Steels

High strength steels are becoming more and more popular in steel construction.  Higher strength means we can reduce the thickness of the base material and thus reduce weight.  This is very important not just in vehicles but in static structures as well.   However, higher strength steels usually bring about a few issues that if not […]

9 Maintenance Problems that Cause Bad Welds

Maintenance-related problems are responsible for a large portion of bad welds in every day welding. However, these causes go unnoticed and unresolved because they happen slowly over time. A proper preventive maintenance program for welding machines, CNC cutting tables and other industrial equipment is absolutely necessary. Many of the problems related to maintenance that cause […]