How to Use Prequalified WPSs for Stainless Steel in Accordance with AWS D1.6

AWS D1.6 is the Structural Welding Code for Stainless Steel.  Its primary concern is with the structural integrity of weldments and not with resistance to corrosion, creep or sensitization.  As a matter of fact, the word “corrosion” appears only eight times in the 9 clauses of AWS D1.6.  Requirements for these concerns are the responsibility […]

5 Common Mistakes Made Welding Stainless Steel

Most types of stainless steels have good weldability and can be welded with all arc welding processes (GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, SMAW and SAW).   Stainless is used in many different applications for its strength, abrasion resistance and corrosion  resistance.  Unfortunately, many assume it can be welded just like carbon steel. In fact, this is the first […]

What Filler Metal Should be Used to Weld Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel

And can you use stainless wire to weld carbon steel to carbon steel

It is not uncommon to find fabricating shops that are welding a variety of metals including carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and nickel alloys.  In many cases some of these materials need to be welded to other types.  Once very common situation, especially in automotive applications is welding carbon steel to stainless. One of the […]