Frequently Asked Questions About Prequalified Welding Procedures (Stainless Steel)

The following FAQ are related to 280 Stainless Steel Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications. To learn more or to get your copy simply click here Is this a physical book?  No. The welding procedures are provided as digital files (PDF) and are available for immediate download.  The user has the option to print the files as many […]

AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel Prequalified Welding Procedures – NOW AVAILABLE

We are excited to officially release our latest collection: ​280 Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications for Stainless Steel​ As we mentioned during our preview last week, these welding procedures have been developed and prequalified in conformance with AWS D1.6/D1.6M Structural Welding Code – Stainless Steel. ORDER HERE! ORDER HERE! These welding procedures were put together for: […]

How to Use Prequalified WPSs for Stainless Steel in Accordance with AWS D1.6

AWS D1.6 is the Structural Welding Code for Stainless Steel.  Its primary concern is with the structural integrity of weldments and not with resistance to corrosion, creep or sensitization.  As a matter of fact, the word “corrosion” appears only eight times in the 9 clauses of AWS D1.6.  Requirements for these concerns are the responsibility […]

How the Metallurgy of 304 and 316 stainless steels affect welding

In our previous post, we introduced the basics of weldng austenitic stainless steels (304, 304L, 316, and 316L). Now, let’s dive deeper into the metallurgy of these alloys. Understanding their composition and grain structure is crucial for achieving sound, high-quality welds. This knowledge empowers welding professionals to make informed decisions about welding processes, filler metals, […]

How to Weld Austenitic Stainless Steels: The Basics

Austenitic stainless steels are a cornerstone of many industries because of their exceptional corrosion resistance, strength, and aesthetic appeal. The most commonly used austenitic stainless steels are  grades 304, 304L, 316, and 316L. This article, the first in a series, will provide an essential overview of these materials, highlighting their unique characteristics and why proper […]

Weld Failures: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

When a weld fails in the field, the consequences can be catastrophic. Our experience as welding engineering consultants has shown us that such failures often expose deeper issues within a company’s welding operations. These situations can lead to fears of additional failures in other products or structures, potential harm or fatalities, litigation, and even bankruptcy. […]

3 Effective Ways to Reduce Welding Rework

Rework is extremely costly, especially in welding.  If you consider what happens when a weld is rejected it is essentially triples the amount of work. You weld, you remove the weld, you reweld.  On top of this it may require additional inspection.  So, reducing rework can save considerable amounts of time and money. 

Welding Procedure Development: Selecting Welding Parameters

When writing a welding procedure one of the most critical steps is selecting our welding parameters. This means determining the appropriate amperage and voltage as well as other critical aspects that the welder must adhere to such as travel speed and travel and work (transverse) angles.  What follows is an explanation as to the importance […]