21 Changes to PQR Essential Variables that Require WPS Requalification

​Have you ever seen a welding procedure specification with established amperage ranging from 200 to 550 amps? Or voltage ranging from 21 to 29 volts? Or some other variable with a huge window? This is all too common, but extremely dangerous. Why? Because changes to essential variables beyond that which is reasonable will affect the […]

Why You Must Have Welding Procedure Specifications

Our previous article discussed the importance of having a specification for weld quality.  In this article we’re talking about the importance of one of its basic components: Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs). Many fabricators don’t have WPSs. They rely in the experience of their welders to select the right parameters.  As much as we want every […]

How to Qualify a WPS for Welding Stainless to Mild Steel using AWS D1.6

Macroetch locations for welding procedure qualification of fillet welds.

It is very common to weld stainless steel to mild steel.  But, when it comes to qualifying a welding procedure it can be somewhat confusing.  Do you follow AWS D1.1 (Steel) or do you following AWS D1.6 (Stainless Steel)?   Or is there another code or standard you should use? The answer to this question is […]

9 Steps to Develop a Repair Welding Procedure

Some repairs, whether it is repairing a failed weldment or repairing a crack in a casting, may easily be done by simply grinding out the crack and applying more weld.  Other repairs, however; are more complicated.  Or at least they should be. Just last week a customer contacted us asking for help in developing a […]

9 Common Problems with Welding Procedures

They can do more than simply fail an audit

The use of welding procedures specifications (WPS) is the foundation of a good welding quality control management system. It has a huge impact on quality as well as productivity.  Despite this, many fabricators are still running their facilities without WPSs.  And many who are, have significant issues which prevent this powerful document from maintaining quality […]

7 Ways You Are Violating Welding Procedures And Don’t Know It

Good intentions are not enough - Check Everything!

Some welding shops can weld however they want and don’t have to comply to any  standard or code.  On the other hand, some manufacturers have to meet and follow stringent requirements  and follow specific codes such as AWS D1.1, API 1104 or  ASME Section IX.  The development of welding procedures is not an art, at […]