Tag Archives: weld inspection
6 Levels of Welding Quality Standards
Which one do you fall under?
A question we often ask of our customer is “how to do you determine the minimum level of quality for your welded product and how do you verify you are reaching or exceeding that quality level?” Responses included comments such as: We just weld and know our welds will hold because we know our trade […]
Weld Troubleshooting for Non Welding Engineers
NOW AVAILABLE! Troubleshoot common welding and welding equipment problems the way welding engineers do. For more information CLICK HERE or the image below. Learn and follow the process used by welding engineers to find the root cause of welding problems and their solutions. This troubleshooting guide goes beyond your typical troubleshooting charts on the back […]
Inspection Before, During and After Welding is Critical
Checklists for the CWI, welder and other production personnel
Weld inspection should not just take place after welding. Inspection before and during welding is critical. But what can you inspect if welding has not been performed? Take a look at the checklists below for pre, during and post weld inspection. Most of these items fall under the responsibility of the welding inspector, but any party involved […]
How to Determine Acceptable Weld Quality
Certain industries that involve welding of their products have very strict quality standards to ensure the production of sound welds. Many others however, do not. They simply weld and unless one of their products fails they don’t pay special attention to welding procedures, detailed inspection of welds or testing the skill (performance) of their welders. […]
The 9 Clauses of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Explained
The most widely used welding code in North America, and perhaps the world, is AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code – Steel. It is specified as the quality standard in hundreds of contract documents every year. Yet, we find that less than half of the fabricators that need to use it have a sound understanding of […]