How to Weld Galvanized Steel

Galvanizing is the application of a zinc coating to a ferrous material. It is done to prevent, or at the very least delay corrosion. The zinc coating can be applied in many different ways including but not limited to hot-dipping, metal spray and electrodeposition.  Similar to galvanized steel is galvanneal steel.  Galvanneal is the process […]

The Best Piece of Equipment to Reduce Welding Costs

Many fabricators spend thousands of dollars in new welding equipment every year.  They look for the latest and greatest technology that will allow them to reduce manufacturing costs.  We have seen some of our customers justify the purchase of robots and other types of advanced welding equipment relatively easily.  Some pieces of equipment pay for […]

12 Ideas to Reduce Welding Costs

Controlling costs associated with welding operations does not have to be complicated. Yet, many fabricators miss out on savings substantial amounts of time and money simply because they are too busy to take some time to implement cost reduction initiatives.  Some of the ways in which costs can be reduced are presented below.  Some of […]

6 Mistakes That Can Lead to Cracked Welds

Cracks on welds are never good.  Welding codes always have allowances for porosity, undercut, weld sizes, and even weld profiles.  However, there is never an allowance for cracks.  Being a linear discontinuity, a crack will tend to propagate through the weld and into the base metal with relative ease, especially in cyclically loaded structures.  So […]

Protecting Your Eyes from the Welding Arc: Welding Shade Numbers and Safety Glasses

Have you ever had your eyes burned by the welding arc rays? Was it because you didn’t wear safety glasses at work?  Or did you weld without a welding helmet?  Regardless of the reason, if you got an arc burn you better be ready for a very unpleasant night.  If you burn your eyes at […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Globular

In our last post we explained short circuit transfer; if you missed it you can go back and read Modes of Metal Transfer: Short Circuit.  In this post we’ll spend some time going over globular transfer by covering its basics as well as its advantages and limitations. Globular transfer occurs in GMAW and MCAW processes […]

Non-Value Added Activities Affecting Welding Costs

Many fabricators struggle to get a grip on their welding costs.  The best they can do is try to find suppliers that will sell them their consumables, gas and other raw materials at a lower price.  Those who try to reduce costs by being more efficient soon realize that simply speeding up welding is not […]

11 Reasons Why Welders Don’t Follow Welding Procedures

The purpose of having welding procedures specifications (WPS) is to ensure quality. This is accomplished by giving the welder a detailed set of instruction on how to deposit weld metal for a specific joint.  Consistent quality can be achieved, but there is one caveat.  The welding procedures must be well written.  A poorly written welding […]

5 Types of Tests for Welder Performance Qualification

Codes detail the requirements for performance qualifications of welders, welding operators and tack welders. Many codes do not demand that a Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) or a welding engineer conduct the necessary testing.  Unless your customer specifically asks that a CWI or third-party do this, you can simply follow the code yourself to perform all […]

How To Calculate Heat Input From Welding

The vast majority of fabricators are not typically concerned with heat input. For the most part this is OK. But when you are welding on materials whose microstructure can be significantly affected by welding procedures it is important to know about heat input. The reason why heat input is critical in certain applications is because […]