4 Material Properties That Affect Distortion

Welding can present many challenges, a common one being distortion.  The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding defines distortion in a weldment as the result of the non-uniform expansion and contraction of the weld metal and adjacent base metal during the heating and cooling cycle of the welding process.  It is extremely difficult to predict distortion […]

Preventing Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Our last post (Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking) went over the factors that contribute to hydrogen-induced cracking.  We will now go over how to prevent HIC from happening.  If you recall, we mentioned you need all three factors to be present in order to have HIC:  These factors are 1. a susceptible microstructure, 2. threshold […]

Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) is a far too common type of failure. It is also called hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) and delayed cracking since it does not occur right after welding, but a few hours or days after the weld has completely cooled down to ambient temperature.  Cracking occurs due to a significant loss in ductility […]

7 Ways You Are Violating Welding Procedures And Don’t Know It

Good intentions are not enough - Check Everything!

Some welding shops can weld however they want and don’t have to comply to any  standard or code.  On the other hand, some manufacturers have to meet and follow stringent requirements  and follow specific codes such as AWS D1.1, API 1104 or  ASME Section IX.  The development of welding procedures is not an art, at […]

What Changes To A WPS Require Requalification

Normally the posts on our blog are inspired by questions frequently asked by customers.  Unfortunately, the question above is not asked that often, but it should be.  A welding procedure specification (WPS) is a set of instructions that if followed to the letter, insure a sound weld.   A WPS will typically provide ranges rather than […]

The CWI Exam

A look into the 3 parts of this challenging examination

If you want to become a certified welding inspector, you will have to take a three-part exam. The three parts are fundamentals, practical and code.  The topics you’ll encounter in each are detailed below. Part A – Fundamentals This section of the exam will test your knowledge in a wide variety of subjects related to […]

How Many Inches Of Mig Wire Per Pound

Easily calculate number of inches of wire per package size for any wire diameter

Have you ever wondered, or have you ever been asked how many inches of wire are in one pound of filler metal?  You may have been asked something like: “How many inches of wire are there in a 25LB spool of .035” ER70S-6 mig wire?”  Typically, this questions is asked when someone is trying to […]

9 Basic Steps to Reading Welding Symbols for Groove Welds

Reading welding symbols is very important at several levels of an organization. A welder needs to be able to interpret welding symbols to insure he puts down the right kind of weld, that he prepares the joint properly, that he places the weld in the right spot, right sequence, right dimension, etc. A design engineer […]

How To Weld 4140 Steel

Let’s keep it simple. 4140 steel can be welded without problems as long as you follow some simple guidelines. This also applies to AISI 4140 and 4340.  We will not be discussing the metallurgical properties of 4140 or trying to explain what happens to its microstructure when it cools too rapidly, just remember that the […]