3 Ways to Improve Out of Position Welding

Welding out of position does not need to be overly complicated.  It does present a challenge, especially for inexperienced welders, but there are things we can do to make this go well for everyone.  When we talk about out of position welding we mean welding vertical up or overhead.  Vertical down is also out of […]

14 Welding Procedure Specification Variables

A Welding Procedure Specification has several variables which should be carefully specified.  The values selected for the variables discussed below have a significant impact on weld soundness and mechanical properties. It is critical that these values be appropriate for the specific requirements of applicable code and job specifications.  Some of the most important variables in […]

How to Calculate Deposition Rate for Solid Wires

A common question that is asked when manufacturers are trying to determine costs associated with welding is: How many pounds of wire can I deposit per hour? Or, how many pounds of wire can I deposit at a specific amperage or wire feed speed?   There are charts to help you determine this, but it’s always […]

Deposition Rate by Wire Type

A common question in the field is which wire type will provide the best deposition rate.  In one of our earlier posts “Calculating Deposition Rate for Solid Wires” we discussed deposition rates strictly for solid wires.   Here we will talk about deposition rates across wire types – mainly solid wire, metal-cored wire and flux-cored wire.   […]