Modes of Metal Transfer: Globular

In our last post we explained short circuit transfer; if you missed it you can go back and read Modes of Metal Transfer: Short Circuit.  In this post we’ll spend some time going over globular transfer by covering its basics as well as its advantages and limitations. Globular transfer occurs in GMAW and MCAW processes […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Short Circuit

The modes of metal transfer refer to the different ways in which the filler metal (electrode) is transferred through the welding arc and into the weld puddle.  We can write a book on this topic but we’ll keep it simple to provide an understanding of the different modes of transfer, what they require and what […]

Should You Consider a Different Shielding Gas

GMAW (mig welding) uses shielding gas to protect the weld puddle from the atmosphere while in a molten state.  This is general knowledge, but many in our industry believe this is the only function of the shielding gas.  Shielding gases can affect welding in many different ways and an evaluation of your current choice of […]

Proper Storage of Welding Consumables

How to store stick electrodes, and mig, flux-cored and metal-cored wires

Proper storage of both opened and unopened packages of welding consumables is crucial. It should avoid quality issues such as porosity, excessive slag fluidity, rough weld surface, difficult slag removal and more importantly, elevated levels of diffusible hydrogen which can lead to cracking. Adequate storage, handling and re-conditioning of electrodes vary according to type.  The […]

How Many Inches Of Mig Wire Per Pound

Easily calculate number of inches of wire per package size for any wire diameter

Have you ever wondered, or have you ever been asked how many inches of wire are in one pound of filler metal?  You may have been asked something like: “How many inches of wire are there in a 25LB spool of .035” ER70S-6 mig wire?”  Typically, this questions is asked when someone is trying to […]

Mig Welding With S3 vs S6 Wire

Is ER70S-3 even necessary anymore?

One of the most frequently asked questions is if there is a valid reason to use an ER70S-3 (S3) mig wire versus the more commonly used ER70S-6 (S6) wire.    Both wires belong to AWS Specification A5.18 and can be used interchangeably in most applications because they provide almost identical mechanical properties.  There is subtle difference between the two […]

7 Causes of Spatter and How to Eliminate It

Mig welding is characterized by sparks and spatter flying all over the place. It looks great on movies, but when we are doing the welding we realize spatter is a bad thing. It creates more work by increasing clean up time, it wastes material, and it can burn you if you are not wearing the […]

Deposition Rates for Stick Electrodes

Although most people may believe that stick welding is antiquated and a bone-headed choice for a welding process, this is simply not true. It is true that in production welding, especially in a controlled environment like a fabrication shop, the use of stick welding is typically a big mistake due to its low efficiency, extremely […]

Guidelines For A Proper TIG Setup

Tig welding can produce beautiful looking welds, and more importantly, x-ray quality deposits on some of the most critical welding applications. For the beginner it may be a very intimidating process. Selecting the right tungsten (type and size), cup size, and shielding gas and gas flow can be a daunting task. Below is a quick […]