3 Effective Ways to Reduce Welding Rework

Rework is extremely costly, especially in welding.  If you consider what happens when a weld is rejected it is essentially triples the amount of work. You weld, you remove the weld, you reweld.  On top of this it may require additional inspection.  So, reducing rework can save considerable amounts of time and money. 

AWS D1.1 Prequalified Welding Procedures

Prequalified WPSs for GMAW, MCAW, SMAW, FCAW & FCAW-S

Prequalified welding procedures must adhere to the strict requiremnts of the welding codes which permit their use.  AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) is one that allows their use.  Prequalified WPSs are exempt from testing becasue there is reasonable assurance that as long as all the requirements are met the deposited weld will be sound […]

5 Questions and Answers You Must Know for the CWI Exam

And fundamental principles for the fabrication of steel structures

If you have taken or hope to take the CWI exam you probably have searched for some practice exam questions.  In practicing for the code book portion of the test you may have come across a few questions for which you could find the answer, but didn’t really understand the importance of the question or […]

What To Do When Welding Codes Are Not Clear

Or when the code does not provide enough information to make an important decision

If you are a CWI, welding engineer or serve in a capacity that requires you to use and interpret welding codes, you probably have run into instances where the code is not very clear.  Many of the questions we receive from our readers deal with interpreting codes and standards.  Many times it is not about […]

7 Areas of Study for Aspiring Welding Engineers

Welding engineering is a complex field that requires expertise in many different engineering disciplines.  The welding engineer must take advanced courses in metallurgy (including welding metallurgy), material science, mechanics of materials, thermodynamics, chemistry and fundamentals of all welding processes.  Welding engineers are tasked with many different activities which include but are not limited to:   […]

Why prequalified welding procedures are exempt from testing

Prequalified joints provide values for groove angles and allowed deviations (tolerances). Tolerances allow for wider groove angles but not narrower. To get a narrower angle the root opening must be increased .

One of the advantages of using prequalified welding procedures is that you can save a lot of time and money because they are exempt from testing.  This means you don’t need to perform any destructive or nondestructive testing.  You simply follow the requirements of AWS D1.1 and you can write a prequalified welding procedure and […]

What is a Prequalified Welding Procedure Specification

A prequalified welding procedures specification is a welding procedure that is exempt from the qualification tests required by a code or standard. Not all codes provide the user with the advantage of using prequalified welding procedures. Some that do are:   AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel AWS D1.3 Structural Welding Code – Sheet […]

FCAW prequalified welding procedures and their limitations

Dangers even if you follow all the requirements of AWS D1.1

The use of prequalified welding procedures has many advantages as well as many disadvantages.  One danger of using prequalified welding procedures is that AWS D1.1 allows for quite a bit of freedom in weld sizes.  If you look at Table 5.1 –Prequalified WPS Requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 Structural Welding Code (Steel) you’ll see that in […]

9 Changes for the New AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) 2020 Edition

The new edition of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) has been released. If you are looking to get the hard copy you may need to wait a few weeks, but the electronic version is ready for purchase from the American Welding Society (AWS) through their website. There is a significant cost to obtain the […]

9 Common Problems with Welding Procedures

They can do more than simply fail an audit

The use of welding procedures specifications (WPS) is the foundation of a good welding quality control management system. It has a huge impact on quality as well as productivity.  Despite this, many fabricators are still running their facilities without WPSs.  And many who are, have significant issues which prevent this powerful document from maintaining quality […]