Why Should Metal Fabricators Care About Metallurgy

Metallurgy should matter to all of those involved in welding. Welding is a fascinating process. We take two pieces of metal, heat them up, and fuse them together, creating a single, solid piece. But what’s really happening to the base metal when we weld it with an electric arc, such as that used in GMAW […]

Weld Failures: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

When a weld fails in the field, the consequences can be catastrophic. Our experience as welding engineering consultants has shown us that such failures often expose deeper issues within a company’s welding operations. These situations can lead to fears of additional failures in other products or structures, potential harm or fatalities, litigation, and even bankruptcy. […]

The Most Dangerous Weld Defect

Have you ever wondered if there is one type of welding discontinuity or defect that is the absolute worst one to have?  Have you heard that cracks are by the far the worst?  Or do you think others like lack of fusion, undercut or overlap can be worse?  The reality is that there isn’t a […]

3 Key Factors Affecting the Quality and Cost of Welds

Quality and cost go hand in hand, or at least they should.  Poor quality may be cheap during the fabricating process, but very costly when it comes to warranty repairs and potentially losing customers.  Many of the companies we work with have seen substantial cost reductions when we help them address quality concerns.  For the […]

6 Levels of Welding Quality Standards

Which one do you fall under?

A question we often ask of our customer is “how to do you determine the minimum level of quality for your welded product and how do you verify you are reaching or exceeding that quality level?” Responses included comments such as: We just weld and know our welds will hold because we know our trade […]

Why More Customers are Requiring Qualified Welding procedures

If you own or work at a job shop you may have noticed an increase in the number of customers that require the use of qualified welding procedures to build their products. Some fabricators are even getting this request from long time customers who never required them in the past. So why is this? The […]

Importance of Implementing a Specification for Weld Quality

Understanding the basic components

If you have been reading our articles for some time you know how strongly we feel about having documented welding procedure specifications which have been qualified by testing or prequalified in conformance with code requirements. Yet when we recommend that these very important documents be developed and used in production we get a lot of […]

The 3 Biggest Problems with Welding Procedures

Have you ever developed, written, qualified or approved a welding procedure? If you have, what was the reason? To satisfy the requirements of a contract?  To control quality? To improve productivity?  To pass an audit?  To help new welders? As welding consultants, CWIs and welding engineers we see hundreds of welding procedure specifications (WPSs) every […]

Can You Benefit From Robotic Arc Welding?

Over the past several years we have seen a tremendous increase in the amount of automation in our everyday lives. This is no different in the welding industry.  Gone are the days when you needed to make 50,000 identical parts to justify a robot. With prices going down and quality, reliability and flexibility going up, […]