How to Troubleshoot Bad Welds and Other Welding Problems

If you own, run or work at a welding facility you have undoubtfully had to troubleshoot bad welds. Troubleshooting is necessary in order to solve problems, but if you do not have a clear methodology or process for troubleshooting it can be a huge source of downtime.  To properly troubleshoot bad welds, we must have […]

How to Develop a Welding Procedure Specification

Developing, or writing a welding procedure, goes far beyond setting up amps and volts.  It entails the selection of many variables which fall under the 9 required components of welding procedure specifications we discussed last week. Today we look at those 9 components again, but rather than just stating what they contain we explain how […]

Basic (Overlooked) Steps to Develop a Welding Procedure

A welding procedure specification (WPS) consists of a series of welding variables and corresponding allowable ranges. The selection of these ranges is very important.  The idea is that if the welder is within all acceptable ranges he or she will deposit a sound weld, provided of course that the welder has the required skill.  The […]

14 Welding Procedure Specification Variables

A Welding Procedure Specification has several variables which should be carefully specified.  The values selected for the variables discussed below have a significant impact on weld soundness and mechanical properties. It is critical that these values be appropriate for the specific requirements of applicable code and job specifications.  Some of the most important variables in […]