How to Avoid Sensitization When Welding Austenitic Stainless Steels

Stainless steels are iron based alloys that contain a minimum of 10.5% chromium.  This chromium reacts with the air and forms a very thin but very tenacious chromium oxide layer which is what prevents stainless from rusting. There are 5 types of stainless steels which are categorized depending on additional alloying elements.  One thing they […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Pulse

Pulsed spray refers to a GMAW mode of transfer in which metal droplets are transferred through the arc with changes in amperage produced by the power source.  The power source provides a pulsing peak current that raises the amperage above the transition current and allows for axial spray transfer.  This peak current is only applied […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Spray

Spray is a mode of metal transfer in which a fine spray of metal droplets are projected axially from the tip of the electrode to the work.  These droplets are smaller in diameter than the electrode.  This mode of transfer is characterized by high wire feed speeds (high amperage), high voltage and consequently high heat […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Globular

In our last post we explained short circuit transfer; if you missed it you can go back and read Modes of Metal Transfer: Short Circuit.  In this post we’ll spend some time going over globular transfer by covering its basics as well as its advantages and limitations. Globular transfer occurs in GMAW and MCAW processes […]

Modes of Metal Transfer: Short Circuit

The modes of metal transfer refer to the different ways in which the filler metal (electrode) is transferred through the welding arc and into the weld puddle.  We can write a book on this topic but we’ll keep it simple to provide an understanding of the different modes of transfer, what they require and what […]

Who Is Required To Know Welding Symbols?

This is not limited only to welders and inspectors

Knowledge of welding symbols is not a requirement limited to welders. Many other professionals must have the ability to interpret and write welding symbols.  From estimators to designers to quality personnel, this universal language must be understood. In our last post we touched briefly on the importance of being able to interpret welding symbols.  If […]

Can You Read Welding Symbols?

Take the Welding Symbols Test to find out

Welding symbols are the universal language of the welding industry. They are used to communicate vital information regarding the details of a weld including: Joint details Weld size and length Weld sequence Contour finish Location Process Required inspection methods Penetration requirements Etc. Yet this important language is not understood by the vast majority of those […]

Should You Consider a Different Shielding Gas

GMAW (mig welding) uses shielding gas to protect the weld puddle from the atmosphere while in a molten state.  This is general knowledge, but many in our industry believe this is the only function of the shielding gas.  Shielding gases can affect welding in many different ways and an evaluation of your current choice of […]

Common Mistakes That Lead to Hydrogen Induced Cracking

Even when a qualified welding procedure is in place

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), also called hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) and cold cracking, is a common welding defect when welding heavy steel sections and steels with high carbon content.  If you would like to learn more about the causes of HIC read Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking. In the above mentioned article we explained that […]

How to Determine the Shear Strength of a Fillet Weld

In our previous post we explained how to determine the strength of a transverse fillet weld.  A transverse fillet weld is one that is perpendicular to an applied load.  We will now look at how to determine the strength of a fillet weld under shear stress. If the load applied is not perfectly perpendicular to […]