9 Required Components of Welding Procedure Specifications

  Regardless what position you hold, if you work in the welding industry you have heard of welding procedures specifications (WPSs).  To some, a welding procedure simply means the selection of a few variables such as amps and volts.  To others, these are the documents that govern all welding done in their facility.   A […]

5 Building Blocks of a Weld Quality Control System

Controlling weld quality is not always an easy task.  Many fabricators struggle to manage the amount of rework, the discrepancies from one batch of product to the next, and the varying levels of productivity and workmanship amongst their welders.   This inability to control weld consistency is not surprising.  Welding has more than 20 variables that […]

Factors Affecting Cooling Rates of Welds and Heat Affected Zones

Different ways to manage the rate of cooling

Our next article will discuss a question we are asked quite often: Can we eliminate preheating before welding?   Preheating is necessary to slow the cooling rate down after welding which in turn avoids excessive hardening of the weld and heat affected zone.  Eliminating preheat can lead to hydrogen induced cracking and catastrophic failure.  A […]

FCAW prequalified welding procedures and their limitations

Dangers even if you follow all the requirements of AWS D1.1

The use of prequalified welding procedures has many advantages as well as many disadvantages.  One danger of using prequalified welding procedures is that AWS D1.1 allows for quite a bit of freedom in weld sizes.  If you look at Table 5.1 –Prequalified WPS Requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 Structural Welding Code (Steel) you’ll see that in […]

Basic (Overlooked) Steps to Develop a Welding Procedure

A welding procedure specification (WPS) consists of a series of welding variables and corresponding allowable ranges. The selection of these ranges is very important.  The idea is that if the welder is within all acceptable ranges he or she will deposit a sound weld, provided of course that the welder has the required skill.  The […]

Why You Must Have Welding Procedure Specifications

Our previous article discussed the importance of having a specification for weld quality.  In this article we’re talking about the importance of one of its basic components: Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs). Many fabricators don’t have WPSs. They rely in the experience of their welders to select the right parameters.  As much as we want every […]

7 Variables That Affect Weld Penetration

Complete joint penetration (CJP) welds will have the exact same effective weld size regardless of welding process.

Getting deeper penetration, or at least adequate penetration is very important in welding.  There are a few applications in which we wish to minimize penetration, but in general we always want good penetration.  There are many variables that affect penetration, some more than others.  It is important to know how each individual variable affects the […]

9 Changes for the New AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) 2020 Edition

The new edition of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel) has been released. If you are looking to get the hard copy you may need to wait a few weeks, but the electronic version is ready for purchase from the American Welding Society (AWS) through their website. There is a significant cost to obtain the […]

How to Qualify a WPS for Welding Stainless to Mild Steel using AWS D1.6

Macroetch locations for welding procedure qualification of fillet welds.

It is very common to weld stainless steel to mild steel.  But, when it comes to qualifying a welding procedure it can be somewhat confusing.  Do you follow AWS D1.1 (Steel) or do you following AWS D1.6 (Stainless Steel)?   Or is there another code or standard you should use? The answer to this question is […]

14 Welding Procedure Specification Variables

A Welding Procedure Specification has several variables which should be carefully specified.  The values selected for the variables discussed below have a significant impact on weld soundness and mechanical properties. It is critical that these values be appropriate for the specific requirements of applicable code and job specifications.  Some of the most important variables in […]