Importance of Root Fusion

When weld sizes are determined by design engineers, the theoretical throat is used to calculate weld strength which in turn gives our leg size (for fillet welds).  This means that the desired strength of a weld is achieved only if we attain fusion to the root and side walls. The terms fusion and penetration are used […]

Why Welds Crack

A weld failure is never good.  Whether  a weld cracks on a truck’s axle or on the post holding your house’s fence, there are always consequences.  Hopefully the consequences are limited to time and money.  Unfortunately, weld failures can cause injury.   Welds can fail due to design flaws, but the majority of weld failures occur […]

Hot Cracking vs Cold Cracking

We recently helped out a customer in determining why some of their welds were cracking.  It was determined that cracking on their parts was due to rapid cooling and improperly sized welds. The discussions we had before and after determining the cause were quite interesting.  We went over the typical causes for cracking with our […]