Welding Procedure Development: Selecting the right welding process

Selecting the best welding process is a critical step in developing a welding procedure that attains the desired quality and optimizes productivity.  Many times we look for the welding process that can give us the highest deposition rate to optimize productivity. However, every welding process has limitations. For example, submerged arc welding (SAW) has extremely […]

6 Reasons Why Metal Fabricators Must Understand Metallurgy

Metal fabricators, or at least those in charge of welding operations, must have a sound understanding of metallurgy.  Metallurgy is the study of metals, their properties and their behaviors, especially when undergoing the welding process.  Below are 6 areas of fabrication for which an understanding of the metallurgical properties of metals is vital. Material Selection […]

The Advantage of Using Undermatching Filler Metals on High Strength Steels

High strength steels are becoming more and more popular in steel construction.  Higher strength means we can reduce the thickness of the base material and thus reduce weight.  This is very important not just in vehicles but in static structures as well.   However, higher strength steels usually bring about a few issues that if not […]

9 Maintenance Problems that Cause Bad Welds

Maintenance-related problems are responsible for a large portion of bad welds in every day welding. However, these causes go unnoticed and unresolved because they happen slowly over time. A proper preventive maintenance program for welding machines, CNC cutting tables and other industrial equipment is absolutely necessary. Many of the problems related to maintenance that cause […]

What is a Qualified Welding Procedure?

A qualified welding procedure is a welding procedure that has been proven to produce sound welds after undergoing extensive testing.  When using structural welding codes, these tests include both destructive and nondestructive tests. Some of these tests are: Visual examination Macroetch Break test Bend test Ultrasonic inspection Radiographic inspection Hardness test Tensile test The reason […]

Rule of Thumb for Fillet Weld Sizes

Many fabricators can lower their welding costs significantly if they paid close attention to weld sizes.  If a print calls for a ¼” fillet weld and in production you make a 5/16” fillet weld, you are overwelding by 56%!  If the print calls for a 3/16” fillet, the 5/16” fillet weld you deposit would be […]

Effects of Voltage on Weld Quality

Voltage is one of the most important variables in a welding procedure.  It is also one that is sometimes misunderstood.  You may ask five welders what effect voltage has on a weld and you may get five different answers.  This is because voltage can do a lot of things, some good and some bad. Understanding […]

Welding Engineering Topics for Non-Welding Engineers

Today we are faced with a tremendous shortage of welding professionals.  This includes welders, fitters, cutters, inspectors, supervisors, robotic technicians and welding engineers to name a few.  Although every fabricator can benefit from having a welding engineer on staff, most welding engineers tend to work in specific industries such as Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Automotive […]

How to Determine Acceptable Weld Quality

Certain industries that involve welding of their products have very strict quality standards to ensure the production of sound welds.  Many others however, do not.  They simply weld and unless one of their products fails they don’t pay special attention to welding procedures, detailed inspection of welds or testing the skill (performance) of their welders. […]