Tag Archives: Certified Welding Inspector
How to write AWS D1.1 Prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications
Demystifying Fatigue Fractures in Welding: The 3 Stages of Fatigue Fracture
In today’s article we’ll be discussing a critical aspect of welding which is crucial in ensuring the safety and long useful life of structures. When engineers conduct a fitness for service analysis of structures they are looking for flaws. These flaws may be cracks, loose bolts, deformations, rust damage (thinning of structural members) and other […]
Inspection Before, During and After Welding is Critical
Checklists for the CWI, welder and other production personnel
Weld inspection should not just take place after welding. Inspection before and during welding is critical. But what can you inspect if welding has not been performed? Take a look at the checklists below for pre, during and post weld inspection. Most of these items fall under the responsibility of the welding inspector, but any party involved […]
How to Become a Certified Welding Inspector
A career as a Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) can be very rewarding. This certification, which is awarded by the American Welding Society, carries a lot of weight both nationally and internationally. The main responsibilities of a CWI is to make sure that welding operations are manufacturing products that comply with specified welding codes and standards. CWIs essentially are expected […]
6 Misconceptions about Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs)
Certified Welding Inspectors (CWIs) who have been certified by the American Welding Society or other international bodies tend to be considered experts in the welding industry. They certainly should be experts in visual inspection and in the interpretation and application of welding codes and standards; however, this does not necessarily mean they are experts in […]
How Hard is the CWI Exam?
Why passing rate is so low and what to do about it
Are you planning on becoming a certified welding inspector (CWI) in the near future? Or do you need one of your employees to get this certification? If so, you have probably heard that the exam is pretty tough. Although the American Welding Society (AWS) does not publish information on passing rates, it is estimated that […]
The CWI Exam
A look into the 3 parts of this challenging examination
If you want to become a certified welding inspector, you will have to take a three-part exam. The three parts are fundamentals, practical and code. The topics you’ll encounter in each are detailed below. Part A – Fundamentals This section of the exam will test your knowledge in a wide variety of subjects related to […]
Welder Certification
One of the most common questions we get on our day to day activities is How can I get may welder(s) certified? The immediate is response is: Certified on what? Most manufacturers assume that there is a single certification for which their welders can apply, test and become certified. Unfortunately this is not the case. […]