3 Mistakes that lead to distortion in welding

Distortion caused by the heating and cooling cycles of welding is extremely problematic.  It can place structures out of dimensional tolerance creating costly rework.  In some cases parts need to be scrapped.  Understanding the causes of distortion and the properties of the metal being welded are an absolute necessity for those managing welding operations.  There […]

How to Develop a Welding Procedure Specification

Developing, or writing a welding procedure, goes far beyond setting up amps and volts.  It entails the selection of many variables which fall under the 9 required components of welding procedure specifications we discussed last week. Today we look at those 9 components again, but rather than just stating what they contain we explain how […]

9 Required Components of Welding Procedure Specifications

  Regardless what position you hold, if you work in the welding industry you have heard of welding procedures specifications (WPSs).  To some, a welding procedure simply means the selection of a few variables such as amps and volts.  To others, these are the documents that govern all welding done in their facility.   A […]