Why Should Metal Fabricators Care About Metallurgy

Metallurgy should matter to all of those involved in welding. Welding is a fascinating process. We take two pieces of metal, heat them up, and fuse them together, creating a single, solid piece. But what’s really happening to the base metal when we weld it with an electric arc, such as that used in GMAW […]

What is Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)?

What is it? Why is PWHT needed? How is PWHT done?

Have you heard of post weld heat treatment (PWHT)? Of course you have. If you are involved in welding you have definitely heard this term.  But what is PHWT? When is PWHT required?  What temperature should PWHT be done at?  Heat treating of materials can be a very complicated subject, but when it comes to […]

9 Steps to Develop a Repair Welding Procedure

Some repairs, whether it is repairing a failed weldment or repairing a crack in a casting, may easily be done by simply grinding out the crack and applying more weld.  Other repairs, however; are more complicated.  Or at least they should be. Just last week a customer contacted us asking for help in developing a […]